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Despite the name, most of the episodes are more than ten minutes long. 10 Minute Power Hour, a Good Mythical Morning-esque unscripted live-action series hosted by Arin and Dan.These are often done when one of the grumps are unavailable to take part in the session. Game Grump, which is a Let's Play with featuring only Arin or only Dan.It is hosted on its own separate channel. Grump Out, where the Grumps upload miscellaneous content such as behind-the-scenes footage, live-action ads, podcasts, and just about anything else they can come up with.Game Grumps Animated, a platform to showcase fan-made animations that utilize the Grump's commentary for audio and inspiration.Past guests have included Finn Wolfhard, Jamie Lee Curtis, and 'Weird Al' Yankovic. Guest Grumps, in which a notable guest joins in.Game Grumps VS, in which the hosts compete against each other instead of trading off or playing together.

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